Gorete's flavorful Portuguese BBQ chicken, a moist chicken dish that is so easy to make.Views: 36282100
How to make Nando's delicious Portuguese chicken rice (arroz de frango), with grilled red pepper, and fresh lime.Views: 3119280
How to make Portuguese one pot chicken and potatoes (frango com batatas em uma panela só).Views: 2182655
How to make this simple and easy and tasty Portuguese barbecued chicken (frango grelhado fácil).Views: 5326430
How to make Portuguese roasted chicken with potatoes (frango assado com batatas), a delicious family meal.Views: 1780980
How to make delicious Portuguese piri piri chicken wings (asas de frango).Views: 5664640
Learn how to make this tasty and tender Portuguese stewed chicken (frango guisado), and delicious dish served with a side of rice.Views: 37573100
How to make Portuguese fava beans rice with fried chicken.Views: 13670175
Learn how to make this delicious Portuguese duck with chestnuts (pato com castanhas).Views: 1426340
Learn how to make these yum roasted chicken legs with potatoes recipe (receita de pernas de frango assadas com batatas).Views: 1841650
How to make Portuguese chicken with rice (frango com arroz).Views: 2584545
Flavorful Portuguese chicken and linguiça stew (guisado saboroso de frango e linguiça), combines tender chicken, smoky linguiça,...Views: 10801965
Yum Portuguese barbecued chicken skewers (espetadas de frango), marinated chicken pieces grilled to perfection, often served with...Views: 18085155
Make this delicious Portuguese chicken dinner (jantar de frango), in less than a hour.Views: 1724155
This traditional Portuguese chicken gizzards recipe (receita de moelas de frango), is best served as an appetizer with fresh bread.Views: 14726550
Easy and tasty crispy baked chicken, is coated with cornstarch, baked until golden, juicy inside, and crunchy outside.Views: 1942155
Chicken with wine sauce (frango com molho), a delicious meal, perfect with roasted potatoes or rice.Views: 17771135
A hearty, simple and easy Portuguese chicken with tomato sauce recipe (frango fácil com molho de tomate).Views: 4048450
This authentic Portuguese piri piri chicken recipe, creates a great tasty dish that will wake up your taste buds.Views: 10486355
Spicy Portuguese piri piri chicken skewers (espetadas de frango), a classic served with a side slaw made of cabbage, white onion...Views: 3212035
This tasty Portuguese barbeque grilled chicken (frango grelhado), may seem like a lot of work but if you get your herbs and spices...Views: 4864830
This Portuguese hot piri piri chicken fingers recipe is full of flavor, but if you can't handle the heat, just leave out the hot...Views: 1412635
The ingredients for this fried chicken with beer (frango frito com cerveja), recipe are fairly simple, but the end result is...Views: 2648365
This Portuguese chicken and rice with chouriço (frango com arroz e chouriço), recipe makes a complete delicious meal.Views: 27218115
This Portuguese Nandos style piri piri chicken recipe makes succulent and super crispy chicken drumsticks, perfect for sharing....Views: 3201925
This crispy baked chicken (frango assado crocante), is very tender and juicy on the inside, and very flavorful.Views: 3044040
These Portuguese style chicken wings with dip, are delicious and hot, you can also dip them in the sauce for extra flavor.Views: 62093105
There is nothing better than this yum Portuguese roasted piri piri chicken (frango assado com molho de piri piri), for dinner.Views: 19567165
Serve this yummy Portuguese baked rosemary chicken, with carrot rice and a salad, enjoy.Views: 25572110
This tender Portuguese roasted chicken with chouriço recipe doesn't take much time to prepare and makes a delicious meal.Views: 8712775