2.2 lbs of soaked codfish2.2 lbs of potatoes3 onions2 cloves of garlic0.6 cups of olive oil2 eggs5.3 oz of cornbread (broa) crumbs1 sprig of parsley1 teaspoon of garlic powderMilk, as neededPepper, as neededBlack olives, as neededOlive oil, as needed
Scald the codfish pieces, clean them of skins and bones, and flake them.
Place the cod in a baking dish, cover with hot milk, and let it rest for about an hour.
Boil the potatoes with their skins in salted water.
Peel them, cut them into half-moon slices, and set aside.
Slice the onions, crush the garlic, and sauté them in olive oil.
When the onions turn golden, add the potatoes and drained codfish.
Season with pepper and transfer to a baking dish.
Place in the middle of the oven at 350°F for 15 minutes.
Boil the eggs in salted water.
Add parsley and garlic powder to the cornbread crumbs.
Season with salt and pepper, and sprinkle over the codfish.
Peel the eggs, cut them into wedges, and place them on top of the codfish, along with black olives.
Drizzle with olive oil and return to the oven until golden.