Portuguese Garlic and Piri Piri Shrimp Pasta

Shrimp Marinade1 lb Shrimp1/4 tsp salt1/4 tsp paprika1/4 tsp Garlic powder1/4 tsp Chili powder1/2 tsp Piri Piri or Tabasco SauceDash of Vinho Verde or White winePasta Ingredients:1/2 package of Capellini Pasta *Or any you prefer1/2 tsp salt3 tbsp olive oil3 large cloves garlic finely minced1 tbsp butter or margarine1 cup of frozen or fresh petite baby peas1 squirt of lemon juice2 tsp finely chopped parsleyPecorino Cheese *optionalFresh cracked pepper
  • Place all ingredients for the Shrimp Marinade in a small bowl and let marinate for 5 minutes. * Do not let the shrimp sit too long in the marinate.
  • Cook pasta in 1/2 tsp of salt and drain. Grill the shrimp on the grill or in a skillet for about 5 minutes or until pink. Set aside.
  • Place the olive oil, butter, and garlic in a skillet and cook on medium heat until garlic is translucent.
  • Add the pasta and peas and toss gently. Cook for about 5 minutes on low heat until pasta has absorbed the garlic and oil, and is hot.
  • Stir in the shrimp. When ready to serve, add parsley and the lemon juice. Top with cracked pepper and Pecorino to taste.
Recipe & Photo Credit: Tia Maria's Blog, portuguesediner.com/tiamaria
Preparation time 5 min
Cooking Time 20 min
Ready In 25 min
Level of DifficultyEasy