4 medium russet potatoes1 tablespoon of snipped fresh chives¼ cup of butter, melted1 ½ cups of shredded cheddar cheese½ cup of ground linguiça
Poke potatoes with a fork on both sides. This will prevent them from bursting in microwave.
Microwave potatoes for 6 minutes. Turn over potatoes and microwave for another 6 minutes. Cook a little longer if potatoes are not fully cooked. Potatoes should be soft
When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, make 2 length-wise cuts through each potato. Resulting in three 1/2-inch slices per potato (the 2 skin ends and the middle). Discard the middle slice or save them for a separate dish of mashed potatoes. This will leave you with two potato skins per potato (see image)
With a spoon, scoop some of the potato out of each skin, being sure to leave about ¼ inch of potato inside of the skin.
Brush the entire surface of each potato skin, inside and outside, with the melted butter.
Place the skins on a cookie sheet, cut side up, and broil them for 6 to 8 minutes or until the edges begin to turn dark brown.
Sprinkle 2 to 3 tablespoons of Cheddar cheese into each skin.
Sprinkle the ground linguiça onto the cheese.
Broil the skins for 2 more minutes or until the cheese is thoroughly melted.