Creamy and Tasty Portuguese Chicken Casserole

1 chicken cut in pieces with skin removed1 onion, diced1 cup of onion broth1 beer1 cup of heavy cream1 teaspoon of mustardGrated cheese (to taste)Olive oil (to taste)Pepper (to taste)
  1. Saute the onion with the olive oil, add the chicken pieces, pepper and let it braise a little.
  2. Add the onion broth and stir, then add the beer and let the chicken bake a little, but not fully.
  3. Add the heavy cream and the mustard, stir and taste if it needs more salt.
  4. Pour everything into a pan, put grated cheese on top and bake for about 30 minutes at 180°F or 350°F.
  5. Accompany with rice or a good salad.

Recipe & Photo Credit:

Preparation time 10 min
Cooking Time 30 min
Ready In 50 min
Level of DifficultyEasy