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Simple Way to Caramelize a Pudding Pan

Simple way to caramelize a pudding pan, it makes a huge difference, caramelizing a pan is a basic thing for those who, for example, want to make a pudding.
5 out of 5 with 1 ratings
Views: 11670

Preparation time 5 min
Cooking Time 10 min
Ready In 15 min
Level of DifficultyVery Easy


1/2 cup of sugar1/4 cup of water
1/2 cup of sugar1/4 cup of water
Get Portuguese ingredients


  1. Place the sugar and water in a pan, stir well and heat it up.
  2. Let the water and sugar mixture boil (it will create bubbles.
  3. The syrup will slightly change color, when it turns into a light caramel color, you can remove it from the heat.
  4. Now very carefully and with the help of a kitchen glove or a dish towel, spread the syrup all over the sides of the pan and you're done.

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Mary Cordeiro
Mary Cordeiro
Help can’t find the how to freeze chestnuts instructions.
3 Years ago, Tuesday, November 9, 2021
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