Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2019 in
Dessert Recipes
Delicious Portuguese Pineapple Pudding
Once you start eating this delicious Portuguese pineapple pudding (pudim de ananás), you won't be able to stop.
Preparation time | 10 min |
Cooking Time | 50 min |
Ready In | 1 h |
Level of Difficulty | Very Easy |
Servings | 6 |
5 eggs3 cups of condensed milk1 can of pineapple slices (15oz)1 tablespoon of cornstarchLiquid caramel (to taste)
Get Portuguese ingredients

- Preheat the oven to 180ºC or 350ºF.
- Mince the pineapple slices (without the juice).
- In a bowl combine all the ingredients and beat well until smooth.
- Pour into a pudding pan previously coated with the liquid caramel.
- Bake for about 50 minutes in a water bath (place the pan in a tray of water).
- Let it cool in the pan, once cold, unmold it and put it on a serving plate.
Recipe & Photo Credit:
Clara's Yum Portuguese Chocolate Mousse
Clara's yum Portuguese chocolate mousse recipe (receita de mousse de chocolate), a delightfully light and airy dessert made the old-fashioned way.
Level of Difficulty | Very Easy |
Servings | 4 |
Roasted Apples with Port and Cinnamon
Roasted apples with Port and cinnamon (receita de maçãs assadas com vinho do Porto), are baked apples infused with port wine.
Level of Difficulty | Very Easy |
Servings | 15 |
Absolutely Delicious Portuguese Milk Pudding
This absolutely delicious Portuguese milk pudding recipe, is very simple to make, enjoy.
Level of Difficulty | Very Easy |
Servings | 8 |

Zandra M
Just want to be sure this is just consensed milk and not SWEETENED condensed milk. It's good to see a dessert recipe without heaps of sugar. Thank you.
3 Years ago, Tuesday, August 23, 2022