Posted on Saturday, January 13, 2024 in Dessert Recipes

Natas do Céu (Heaven's Cream)

Natas do céu recipe (heaven's cream), is a Portuguese dessert featuring layers of creamy custard and Maria cookies.
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Natas do Céu (Heaven's Cream)
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Preparation time 10 min
Cooking Time 10 min
Ready In 20 min
Level of DifficultyVery Easy


1 cup of heavy cream¼ cup of water 1 cinnamon stick1 lemon1/4 cup sugar3 eggs1/4 cup sugarBolacha Maria (Maria biscuits) 6 to 8 cookiesGooseberries (for garnish) could be substituted with other fruit
1 cup of heavy cream¼ cup of water 1 cinnamon stick1 lemon1/4 cup sugar3 eggs1/4 cup sugarBolacha Maria (Maria biscuits) 6 to 8 cookiesGooseberries (for garnish) could be substituted with other fruit
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  1. In a small saucepan add the water, cinnamon stick, lemon peel and 1/4 cup of sugar and stir over medium heat.
  2. Separate the eggs, whisk the egg yolks and add to the pot and whisk for approximately 5 minutes over low heat to ensure did not burn at the bottom of the pan and it thickens.
  3. Add ¼ cup of sugar to the egg whites and beat for a couple of minutes then add 1 tablespoon of sugar and beat until they form a meringue.
  4. Crush the cookies.
  5. Place some cookie crumbs onto the bottom of a serving glass, spoon in egg whites, sprinkle some cookie crumbs, spoon in egg whites and top with egg yolk filling (make sure to have removed the cinnamon stick).
  6. Garnish with a gooseberry (or fruit of choice).

Recipe & Photo Credit: Nós Portugueses

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