Posted on Thursday, March 28, 2024 in Dessert Recipes

Portuguese Creamy Sweet Rice

Portuguese creamy sweet rice recipe (receita de arroz doce cremoso), a delicious and popular dessert enjoyed by many.
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Portuguese Creamy Sweet Rice

Preparation time 10 min
Cooking Time 50 min
Ready In1 h
Level of DifficultyVery Easy


2 cups of whole milk + 2 tablespoons2 egg yolks3.5 ounces of rice2.8 ounces of sugar1 cinnamon stick1 small lemon peelGround cinnamon to taste
2 cups of whole milk + 2 tablespoons2 egg yolks3.5 ounces of rice2.8 ounces of sugar1 cinnamon stick1 small lemon peelGround cinnamon to taste
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  1. Place the milk in a tall saucepan and add the rice, cinnamon stick, and lemon peel.
  2. Let it simmer over very low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 30 to 40 minutes until the rice opens up and becomes very soft.
  3. Remove the cinnamon stick and lemon peel.
  4. In a small bowl, mix the two egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of milk.
  5. Add the sugar and egg yolks to the rice and mix well.
  6. Return to low heat and cook for another 5 to 10 minutes until it thickens, stirring constantly.
  7. Divide the rice pudding into four bowls and sprinkle with a little ground cinnamon.
  8. Serve while still warm.

Recipe & Photo Credit: As minhas receitas

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