Posted on Wednesday, March 9, 2016 in
Side Recipes
Portuguese Fried Yams (Inhames Fritos)
Portuguese fried yams (inhames fritos), are crispy, golden yams fried to perfection, offering a savory and satisfying snack or side dish.
Preparation time | 10 min |
Cooking Time | n/a |
Ready In | 1 h 50 min |
Level of Difficulty | Easy |
Servings | 4 |
- Place the yams in a saucepan with enough water to cover. Add a pinch of salt.
- Let it cook on medium heat for about an hour and a half until they are tender.
- Once done, remove the skin and slice the roots in a circular shape about a half an inch thick.
- Immediately fry the slices in a pan with oil on medium to high heat until they are golden brown.
- Place on a platter with paper towels to dry and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve while hot.
Recipe & Photo Credit:
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Thanx for responding. My error. I had just seen several Inhames in recipes, called ‘Yams’.
Please remove my comment.
2 Years ago, Thursday, August 10, 2023

Inhames are NOT what Americans know as Yams, they are TARO ROOT.
Completely different tuber.
Being Portuguese, I love Inhames.
Thanx for the recipes though.
2 Years ago, Thursday, August 10, 2023