Posted on Friday, December 8, 2017 in
Cake Recipes
Orange and Carrot Cake (Bolo de Laranja e Cenoura) Recipe
Make and share this easy and delicious orange and carrot cake recipe (receita de bolo de laranja e cenoura).
Preparation time | 15 min |
Cooking Time | 50 min |
Ready In | 1 h 5 min |
Level of Difficulty | Easy |
Servings | 8 |
2 cups of sugar1 cup of oil1/2 cup of grated carrots1 orange (peel)5 eggs2 and 1/2 cups of flour1 teaspoon of baking powderFor the syrup:3 oranges (juice)1 lemon (juice)1/2 cup of sugar
Get Portuguese ingredients

- Preheat the oven to 180ºC or 350ºF.
- Peel the carrots and then grate them.
- In a shredder, blender or similar, add the grated carrot, the thin peel of the orange and the oil and blend everything into a paste.
- Beat the sugar with the eggs and then add part of the flour, part of the carrot mixture, the rest of the flour and the rest of the carrot preparation, beating between each addition.
- Add the baking powder and stir.
- Grease a form with butter and dust it with flour.
- Pour the prepared batter into the form and bake until cooked (between 45/50 minutes).
- While the cake cools, heat the sugar and the juices from the oranges and lemon until the sugar dissolves.
- Unmold the cake from the form and drizzle it with the syrup.
Recipe & Photo Credit:
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